Seneca College Centre for Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
CSLA National Award of Excellence, 2022
One60 Elgin Street Redevelopment
Commendation + Commendation Sustainability
North America Design and Development Awards, 2019
Award of Excellence, Buildings of Significance — Markham Design Excellence Awards, 2015
Award of Excellence, Open Space and Public Realm — Markham Design Excellence Awards, 2015
Jury Award — Markham Design Excellence Awards, 2015
Durham Consolidated Courthouse
Urban Design Award, City of Oshawa, 2012
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Oshawa Urban Design Award, 2012
CSLA National Award for Design Excellence, 2010
Toronto DX Design Exchange Urban Design Award, 2009
Ireland Park
City of Toronto urban Design Award, 2009
Markham Pan Am Centre — Markham, Ontario